It has become the custom of the Church that we give up something during the forty-days of lent to commemorate that Jesus gave up his life for us.
We are offering an opportunity to join with fellow parishioners to give up a regular evening meal at home and replace it with a Lenten meal of soup, bread and salad on Saturday March 2nd following the 4:00 PM Mass in the Large Hall. This event is free, but we ask that you bring any full size toiletry item as a donation for Mary’s Cupboard.
So that we can prepare enough food for those desiring to share this time with other parishioners, we need to know how many will be in attendance. On Saturday and Sunday, Feb 24th and 25th, parish members will be available after all masses to take your reservation. You do not need to attend the 4:00 PM Mass to join in the Lenten meal.
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